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Tenant councelling

VTS-kodit staff are happy to help if you have any questions related to living in our flats. Check the links below and remember that ensuring a positive living experience requires know-how from all parties involved. Good tips will help you save time and money.

We all encounter some hardships in our lives. When they have to do with money, they may affect your ability to pay your rent. Other issues may lead to inability to care for your flat. And sometimes it may be difficult to get along with your neighbours. The majority of issues related to living in our flats have to do with paying the rent.

Rental debt grows quickly, which is why it is a good idea to pay your rent first when bills start to pile up. If necessary, contact us on OmaVTS-palvelu to work out a payment schedule. The housing allowance paid by Kela is intended for living costs, which is why we recommend having it paid directly to the lessor. If you incur rental debt frequently or the incurred debt equals two months´ rent or portion payable by you, we will start debt collection proceedings. A summons is expensive for a tenant, and it also leads to termination of tenancy.

VTS-kodit offers counselling and advice to VTS-kodit tenants for housing-related issues that may result from problems with rental payments, threat of eviction, or poor maintenance of the flat.

The counsellors are a social worker and a social advisor from the adult social services department of the City of Tampere. They advise our tenants on the services they may need, map out their situation in life, and help them find ways to improve their life situation, ensuring that they can continue living in our flats.

VTS-kodit may refer tenants to tenant counselling, and tenants can also contact the counsellors directly. If the tenant already works with a social worker or advisor, the matters are initially processed with the same counsellors.

Our tenant counsellors see customers by appointment at the Sarvis social office at Hatanpäänkatu 3 J. They are available on the phone on business days from 8 am to 4 pm on 040 639 7595 or 040 639 7594. You can also contact them by sending an email to